Kako nagovoriti putopisca na pisanje putopisa / Duel riječima

Može zvučati smiješno, ali stvarno treba umjeti probuditi u autoru želju da napiše putopis. Najveseliji mi je razgovor s Davorom, kolumnistom, autorom romana Oko stola. Večeras ga pokušavam inspirirati kako bi opisao svoj nezaboravan posjet jednom zanimljivom američkom gradu. Puno toga je obišao, zasad opisao Toscanu, ali nagovoriti ga na pisanje doživljenog je pravo umijeće. Počeo mi je dijeliti “komplimente”:

“Ti si munjena urednica, tvoji putopisi se šire kao kožna bolest..!” Ha, ha,

Povremeno ga bocnem na njegovom blogu naivnim komentarom. Odmah zove: “Je li se ti opet praviš naivna?”

Prosto uživam kako ga znam izazvati na duel riječima. Samo nam fale  sekundanti i pucali bismo riječima.

Imam i pjesmu za duel:


“Eye to eye stand winners and losers
Hurt by envy, cut by greed
Face to face with their own disillusion
The scars of old romances still on their cheeks
And when blow by blow the passion dies sweet little death
Just have been lies the memories of gone by time
Would still recall the lie
The first cut won’t hurt at all
The second only makes you wonder
The third will have you on your knees
You start bleeding I start screaming
It’s too late the decision is made by fate
Time to prove what forever should last
Whose feelings are so true as to stand the test
Whose demands are so strong as to parry all attempts
And when blow by blow the passion dies sweet little death
Just have been lies the memories of gone by time
Would still recall the lie
The first cut won’t hurt at all
The second only makes you wonder
The third will have you on your knees
You start bleeding I start screaming
The first cut won’t hurt at all
The second only makes you wonder
The third will have you on your knees
You start bleeding I start screaming
The first cut won’t hurt at all
The second only makes you wonder
The third will have you on your knees
You start bleeding I start screaming
The first cut won’t hurt at all
The second only makes you wonder
The third will leave you on your knees
You start bleeding I start screaming”

Možda i ovaj post pomogne da nam napiše svoj nezaboravan doživljaj. Ma počela bih ja s par rečenica, koje su me dojmile i upamtila sam ih iz njegovih priča o toj destinaciji, ali prepuštam mu njegov stil. Sad ga čekam, ako upola dobro napiše kao što je meni pričao, bit će veoma zanimljivo.



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